
Rene, thank you. The story of your son is one of those human miracles that is usually overlooked and undervalued in an age of medicating. I taught “emotionally disabled” teens in a private institution and began an “Environmental Art” program: planning, pricing and producing. From outdoor sculptures to indoor murals, much could be taught and learned. And like you witnessed, emotional growth and understanding just happens. It comes from the inside.

And thank you Anna and others who understand the power of looking…just looking…at art, beauty and the curious interpretations of the world around us.

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Jim is himself a wonderful artist whose paintings are an expression of life and color. His writing is captivating and heartfelt. My son struggles with depression. When he was a teenager I brought him to an art therapist. He was able to express his feelings through this art. I was able to better understand what he was feeling. Thank you Jim for bringing awareness of the healing of art.

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